I'd just like to thank everyone who has given me awards and tagged me recently.Please forgive me if I've missed anyone.
Firstly to Debs and Donna for this award.
Also to
Vikki for this award.

Thank you so much ladies for these lovely awards.I really appreciate the thought.
I'd like to pass them on to
Michelle and
Donna.If you've already received any of these awards,just pass them by.
I'd also like to thank
Tara and
Vicky for tagging me.
Here's how it works, link to your tagger & list these rules on your blog. Answer 5 sets of 5 questions. Then, tag 5 people in the last section by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs. Let them know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
Things I Love......
1.My family
2.My friends
3.My Home
4.Rock Music
Things I Don't Love......
2.Rude People
4.Going To The Dentist
5.Voicemail or answering machines (hate talking to machines, so never leave messages....lol)
Music On Ipod Or Playlist.....
1.Black Stone Cherry-Please Come In
2.Airbourne-Too Much Too Young Too Fast
3.Journey-After All These Years
4.AC/DC-Rock'n'Roll Train
5.Thunder-Better Man
Favourite Food/Drink.....
1.Oatcakes and strong cheese
2.Homemade soup
4.Pear Cider
5.Homemade Gingerbread
As most people have already had this tag I'm going to leave it open for anyone who hasn't had it to accept.
Cass xxx